Motor-less rolling stock can be digitalized with the LokPilot Fx V3.0. To this end, LokPilot Fx V3.0 offers six function outputs, which can activate typical functions, such as car interior illumination, head-or rear (- end, warning- ) lights on cars, and function models. Of course LokPilot Fx V3.0 is multi protocol capable, and with a dimension of 17.5 x 15.0 mm’s (0.7 x 0.6 in) small enough for most any application. LokPilot Fx V3.0 comes in two variants: Next to the „classic“ version with an 8-wire NEM 652 harness, there is a version available for the new 21MTC interface.
Operational modes
LokPilot Fx V3.0 can handle DCC with 14, 28 or 128 speed steps as well as Motorola and Seletrix. The decoder recognizes the speed steps automatically. It supports Lenz LG100 resp. ROCO braking sections in addition to Zimo’s HLU-commands, or braking in DC sections with reversed polarity as well as Märklin braking sections (also for DCC). You can either use short-, or four digit addresses, or assign a consist address. The Motorola protocol enables the LokPilot Fx V3.0 decoder to run with Märklin stations 6020, 6021, delta, mobile station and central station. For those, the decoder handles addresses 01 – 255, and comes to a halt correctly on the Märklin braking section. On Selectrix layouts you can choose between addresses 01 – 112. LokPilot Fx V3.0 converses during operation fully automatically between all control modes (Motorola, DCC, DC, AC, Selectrix). It is prepared for the NMRA / DCC „BiDirectional Communication“, and a simple update will enable it to take advantage of those benefits. Especially in combination with our ECoS-centre, there will be up to now unheard-of operational possibilities, and play value in the future.
Analog operation
There are no restrictions for LokPilot Fx V3.0-equipped rolling stock, of course, when operating in digital mode.
LokPilot Fx V3.0 comes with six function outputs, 250mA’s each, and each can be assigned individually to a function: There is flash light, alternate flash, (or ditch lights), strobe light, firebox flicker as well as Mars-or Gyra light for US models. There is also a high frequency-, time controlled output available for digitally operated couplings. All function outputs can be dimmed individually in 15 steps. In DCC mode, each function output can be assigned to any function key between F0 - F15. F0 – F8 will be recognized in Motorola mode, the same in Selectrix mode, depending upon the station.
The LokPilot Fx V3.0 supports all DCC programming modes, including POM (Programming on the main). For Märklin stations 6020, 6021, mobile station, and central station all programming is also done electronically. For these units LokPilot Fx V3.0 employs a time proven, easily acquired programming procedure. The programmed changes during Motorola operation are also valid during DCC- and Selectrix operation – and vice verse. Programming parameters is especially simple for owners of our ECoS control station: All options are displayed in plain language on the large screen, and can easily be modified – even during operation on the layout.
LokPilot Fx V3.0 is designed for optimum interaction with the LokSound V3.5-, and the LokPilot V3.0 decoders: For example it’s possible to equip the cab of an A-A consist with a LokSound V3.5 decoder-, and the controlling car with a LokPilot Fx V3.0 one. Given both the same address, they work absolutely identically. Identical grouping of the CVs facilitates synchronisation of both decoders.
All function outputs are protected against overload and short circuit.
Built in future
The LokPilot Fx V3.0 decoder is firmware upgradeable. As soon as standardization is going to be completed, you will be able to bring it up to the latest DCC Bi/Di standards.