Further information
Run locos
The ECoS command station can manage up to 16384 locos. Each loco’s characteristics are memorized, so in the future you can call each engine by name. Also you can assign a loco symbol and these symbols keep you abreast of the function of each loco, regardless of whether it’s latching or non-latching. An extensive navigational menu takes care of finding your locos quickly; and running them.
Of course, ECoS supports all DCC addresses (upt to 9999) and 128 speed steps, during Motorola® operation up to 255 addresses and 27 speed steps are possible, depending on the decoder´s features. Locos equipped with an mfx® decoder will be recognized automatically by the ECoS and can be driven without any restrictions.
Operate turnouts and magnetic accessories
Just like with locos, you can name turnouts and magnetic accessories. The large control panel on the screen of your ECoS shows you all turnouts and their switch-position. You can put turnouts in the depot area and to each magnetic accessory you can assign its exact function, so you can tell simple-, double or 3-way turnouts apart from de-coupler tracks or even streetlights, etc.
Turntable control
It is possible to control the well-known Märklin® turntables graphically with the ECoS command station; ECoS is able to control the specific Märklin® decoder directly. If you do not wish to use this decoder, you can simply convert your turntable via a LokPilot V3.0 decoder. We offer a substantial manual that describes how to do it.
Several magnetic accessories can easily be grouped as routes. Routes can then be switched like singular turnouts or they can be tied to an occupancy detector: Thus extensive block-control management is possible already. ECoS can manage up to 1024 routes with up to 256 magnetic accessories each.
Track plan
If desired, a fully graphical track plan shows the topology of your layout directly on screen. Put all signals and turnouts directly off the track plan. Even larger layouts can be displayed on the track plan, as it may consist of up to 99 pages. The pages can be arranged and renamed individually. The magnetic accessories shown on the track plan correlate with the ones that are placed in the accessory control panel; so it´s up to you how and with what you switch your magnetic accessories.
Shuttle train control
Shuttle train control, which was introduced with the first ECoS, enjoys an increasing popularity due to its simple handling: here you only need an occupancy detector at each end of the track, which you assign via Software to a loco: length of layover, acceleration - and deceleration, or in-between stops can easily be programmed on the ECoS screen. This works with any decoder because the brain of the system sits in the central unit. Up to eight shuttle trains are possible.
Decoder programming
Thanks to the screen, programming decoders is as simple as never before. All parameters are shown in plain text. The search for / of CV’s and bits and bytes is a thing of the past. Of course you can call up and check all features of your decoder (during operation on the layout) on the main. POM (programming on the main) makes it possible. The addresses of your old Motorola® decoders are ascertained automatically - never again do you have to take your engines apart and check the DIP switch.
Keep using old systems
We make your transfer to ECoS as comfortable as possible: simply keep also using your “old” system. This is made possible through the built-in EcoSniffer: The rail output of your present digital command station is simply connected to the input of the EcoSniffer module. The module listens to all DCC and Motorola® packets and translates them for the ECoS command station. This again treats your old system like one (or more) additional throttles or keyboards.