

  • New LokSound Select "PCC" Sound Profile #73418


    Just released! #73418 PCC sound equipped LokSound Select decoder! Available for Download now! This is Perfect for the Bowser All Electric PCC! It also includes an Automatic Stop Function and WORKING BRAKE LIGHTS! Not Just when coming to a stop but also when just slowing down! Great sounds, Outstanding motor control! When it comes to the perfect sound [...]

  • ECoS Software 3.3.3. released!


    From today, the new ECoS and Central Station Reloaded software 3.3.3. is available for download on our website. Keep your ESU command station up-to-date with software 3.3.3. which includes other improvements and bugfixes as well!

    As always, the software is available for downland free of charge. We offer two separate [...]

  • ESU presents the LokPilot V4.0


    "LokPilot V4.0 - run better with the 4th" - With this slogan we are proud to present the new generation of the successful LokPilot decoder family. The LokPilot V4.0 supersedes from now on the version V3.0, which has achieved an excellent reputation among model railroaders. Beside numerous small improvements, the highlights of the new version are:

    • ABC braking mode: [...]

    • LokSound Select Steam users manual


      We are happy to announce that the LokSound Select users manual has been updated recently. It is available for download now and is including the LokSound Select Steam decoders, too.

    • ECoS Software 3.3.1. released!


      From today, the new ECoS software 3.3.1. is available for download for the ESU command stations on our website. This update implements a long-wished-for feature: The use of own loco images for the ECoS. How this funcionallity can be used is described in the manual extension. Further highlights are the deactivation [...]

    • ECoS Software 3.2.1. released


      From today, the new ECoS software 3.2.1. is available for download for the ESU command stations on our website. Software version 3.2.1. will be released for ECoS 50000 and Central Station 60212 "Reloaded" as well as for ECoS 50200 with colour display. Thus, for the first time, there are identical software packages for all of the three ESU digital command [...]

    • ESU Navigator available in stores NOW!


      The ESU Navigator is now available in all ESU stores! The much anticipated, wireless ESU Navigator digital system, will be now delivered to all model railway dealers. Check out the digital command station which is very easy to operate for beginners as well as advanced model railroaders at your ESU retailerĀ“s [...]

    • English ECoS manual online!


      Dear ESU customers, we are now glad to inform you that the English version of the new ECoS 2 manual has just been published on our website. Please follow this link Best regards ESU Team

    • LokSound Select - Delivered now!


      Dear ESU Customers, We are proud to inform you that the shipment of the LokSound Select decoder has finally begun. The highly-developed sound decoder will now be available in all US model rairoad stores that sell ESU products! The first sounds are already prepared for download. Please follow this link

    • New catalogue 2010 online


      Yesterday we published our new product overview 2010. You can download the catalogue here.
      At this point, we will give you a short report about the products of this year: For the ESU Navigator, we now offer an additional receiver module to expand the distance between the receiver and the remote control unit.
      The ECoSDetector [...]

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