LokSound 4.0 OEM Sounds

Here you can find project files for our LokSound V4.0 decoders that are made for certain, selected locomotives from various manufacturers. Our decoders in combination with these files are either factory-preinstalled or the locomotive was designed "sound friendly" for the usage of our decoders. Please use the latest LokProgrammer Software V4 to download these files to the decoder.

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Showing items 61 - 80 of total 98
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  •   ABe 4/4 III 51-56

    Hochleistungslokomotive ABe 4/4 lll 51-56

    Article number(s): 91851
    Manufacturer: Bemo
    Last change: 14.12.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off1259
    F3whistle short16379
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F7curve squeal15371
    F10conductor's signal10331
    F13brake set/brake release13355
    F14station announcement #17307
    F15radio talk22427
    F16open/close door12347
    F17rail clank17387
    F18station announcement #214363
    F19station announcement #319403
    F20station announcement #421419

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   Re450

    electric loco Re450. inverter-locomotive of the swiss railsways SBB

    Article number(s): 90422, 90434
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 05.12.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F2high pitched airhorn 3275
    F3deep airhorn4283
    F4door open/close11339
    F5conductor's signal5291
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F10airhorn mix8315
    F11short airhorn #19323
    F12short airhorn #210331
    F14station announcement #113355
    F15station announcement #214363

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   Class 77

    Mit der im Jahr 2001 festgelegten Liberalisierung des internationalen Eisenbahngüterverkehrs benötigten die neu gegründeten Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen (EVU) Triebfahrzeuge, um die den staatlichen Bahnen abgerungenen Verkehre zu bewältigen. Die Beschaffung technisch hochentwickelter Neufahrzeuge kam aus Kostengründen oftmals nicht in Frage. Eine preisgünstige Lösung bot die amerikanische Electro-Motive Division (EMD) mit der bereits in Großbritannien erprobten Class 66 an. Die als JT 42 CWR bezeichneten Loks basieren auf der amerikanischen SD40 und deren Weiterentwicklung SD40-2, die aufgrund des bewährten, einfachen Aufbaus sehr zuverlässig waren.

    Die erste Bahngesellschaft, welche die dieselelektrisch angetriebene Class 66 nach Deutschland holte, war die Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG (HGK). 1999 kaufte die Bahngesellschaft zwei Stück. Fast zeitgleich hielt die Class 66 auch in anderen europäischen Ländern Einzug. EVU, die Class 66 besitzen oder angemietet haben, findet man heute auch in Frankreich, Belgien, den Niederlanden, Luxemburg und Norwegen. Bislang wurden insgesamt etwa 650 Loks in zwei Bauarten an europäische Kunden ausgeliefert.

    Die langgestreckte, dem kleinen englischen Lichtraumprofil entsprechende Silhouette, der kantige Aufbau und das Fahrwerk mit den massiven Drehgestellen und der wilden Leitungsführung machen die Class 66 unverwechselbar. In Europa rollen mittlerweile zwei Bauserien. Zur besseren Unterscheidbarkeit wird die 2006 eingeführte fünftürige Version oft auch als “Class 77” bezeichnet. Die Modernisierung wurde erforderlich, um die fortan geltenden Abgasvorschriften einhalten zu können. Die äußerlichen Unterschiede zur ersten Serie sind die einzelne, auf der linken Lokseite eingebaute Tür zum Maschinenraum, die etwas höheren seitlichen Lüftergitter sowie ein vergrößertes Dachlüftergitter. Außerdem besitzen die Class 77 geänderte Führerstandsseitenfenster. Einige Loks der Class 77 tragen darüber hinaus ein Klimagerät auf dem Führerstand. Die Bezeichnung der Loks lautete nun JT42CWRM. Das „M“ steht für „modified“, also modifiziert.

    Der GM-Zwölfzylinder-Zweitaktmotor 12N-710G3B-EC ist mit seinem charakteristischen Klang deutlich hörbar und entwickelt eine Leistung von 3194 PS (2350 kW) Die Anfahrzugkraft beträgt 409 kN, die Dauerzugkraft 260 kN. Mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 120 km/h können die Class 66 selbst auf elektrifizierten Hauptstrecken mit anderen Zügen mithalten. Der Auftraggeber kann den Zug sozusagen vom entfernten Abstellgleis über die DB-Hauptstrecke notfalls bis in die Werkhalle bespannen. Farblich bilden die Class 66 einen reizvollen Kontrast zum einheitlichen Verkehrsrot der DB AG.

    So auch die MRCE 653-05, dem Vorbild des ESU Modells. Diese stammt aus dem Lokpool von Mitsui Rail Capital Europe (MRCE). Die Aufbauten sind hier mehrheitlich in Schwarz gehalten. An den Stirnseiten ist unterhalb der Fenster ein gelbes Kontrastfeld angebracht. Der Leasingnehmer TrainsporT aus Belgien versah die Lok zudem mit reizvollen Aufklebern. Weitere Anschriften verdankt sie der Rurtalbahn, für die 653-05 in Deutschland und in den Benelux-Staaten unterwegs ist.

    Das Vorbild des zweiten ESU-Modells stammt von der mittlerweile dem DB-Konzern zugehörigen Euro Cargo Rail (ECR). Die aus der zweiten Bauserie stammende, gründlich überarbeitete Lok wird dort als BR 247-048 geführt und trägt einen hellgrau-gelben Aufbau. Zusammen mit ihren Schwestern werden die Class 77 von Mühldorf aus vor schweren Kesselwagenzügen oder ab Oberhausen für den schweren Stahlverkehr eingesetzt. Trotz des Lärmpegels auf dem Führerstand haben sich die Loks unter Lokführern einen guten Ruf erarbeitet, wenn es darum geht, schwere Züge auf schlüpfrigen Schienen vom Fleck zu bekommen.

    Article number(s): 21403
    Manufacturer: ESU
    Last change: 19.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    Lightdirectional headlight
    F1sound on/off1259
    F2high pitched airhorn3275
    F3smoke generator on/off
    F4directional cablights
    F5no lights at cab #1
    F6no lights at cab #2
    F7directional headlight belgium/french
    F8shunting illumination german/french/belgium
    F9low pitched airhorn4283
    F10emergency stop signal
    F11station announcement #1 german / dutch / french (selectable with CV48)7307
    F12curve squeal off
    F14Directional dashboard illumination
    F15shunting illumination dutch
    F17station announcement #2 german / dutch / french (selectable with CV48)14363
    F18short high pitched airhorn16379
    F19short low pitched airhorn9323
    F21shunting mode
    F22diesel manual notching up
    F23diesel manual notching down

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   ESU BR 218

    The classes (BR) 215 and 218 diesel locomotives of the Western German Railway (DB) are used in mixed service since 1968. 218 101 to 194, 218 242 to 288 were equipped with a 12 cylinder 4 stroke main Diesel from MAN that was later called MTU 12 V 956 TB10 that generates 2500 HP. The 2800 HP version of this motor is called MTU 12 V 956 TB11. In the late 1980s the exhaust system of BR 218 with the 12 V motor had been optimized. Since 1995 many of the 218 are equipped with motors called "MTU 12 V 956 TB11 NEU". The technical data stayed nearly the same but the exhaust detoxication improved again.

    Article number(s): 21401, 21408
    Manufacturer: ESU
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightDirectional Headlight
    F1Sound On/off1, 21259, 419
    F2airhorn #13275
    F3Smokeunit On/Off
    F4Directional cablights
    F5No lights at Cab #1
    F6No Lights at cab #2
    F7Directional dashboard illumination
    F8Shunting illumination
    F9airhorn #25291
    F11station announcement #1 (female)4283
    F12Disable switch/curvesensors
    F13coupler sound8315
    F15air let off9323
    F16conductors signal10331
    F17station announcement #2 (male)7307
    F18airhorn short #112347
    F19short airhorn #213355
    F21shunting mode

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   BR218 TB11 Motor

    diesel locomotive BR218 (MB TB11 motor)

    Article number(s): 11459
    Manufacturer: Roco
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1sound on/off1, 21259, 419
    F2airhorn #12267
    F3airhorn #23275
    F4conductor's signal10331
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F7station announcement #114363
    F8station announcement #216379
    F9train heater
    F10cab light 1 off
    F11cab light 2 off
    F14brake release13355
    F16curve squeal15371
    F17open / close door12347
    F18rail clank17, 18387, 395
    F19station announcement #37307

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   RhB ABe 8/12

    In 2010, a new era started with the year´s summer timetable among RhB´s rolling stock: the first 15 copies of the three-part “Allegra” dual-voltage railcars, ordered from Stadler, replaced some of the locomotives which had seen better days.
    The powerful and air-conditioned ABe 4/8 3501-3515 can be either used on the main line´s AC system or the DC-powered “Bernina” line.
    With further procurements, the operational concept of locomotive-drawn trains has changed with the exception of the Albula line and “GEX” trains in favour of a mainly covering by multi-part new built railcars.

    Article number(s): 91623, 91842
    Manufacturer: Bemo
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    Lightfront light
    F1sound on/off1, 2, 4259, 267, 283
    F2long whistle3275
    F3short whistle16379
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F7curve squeal
    F8aux 1
    F10conductor's signal10331
    F13brake set / release 13355
    F14station announcement #17307
    F15tunnel mode (soundfader)
    F16open / close door12347
    F17rail clank17, 18387, 395
    F18open magnet brake (emergency stop) 22427
    F19station announcement #214363
    F20station announcement #319403
    F21station announcement #420411
    F22station announcement #521419

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

    Functions (LokPilot)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Inner Light
    F2AUX2 not used
    F3shunting mode
    F4Acceleration rate On/Off
  •   Rh2016 Hercules

    Diesel-Locomotive ÖBB Rh2016
    / Hercules

    Article number(s): 11458
    Manufacturer: Roco
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off1, 2259, 267
    F2high pitched airhorn3275
    F3low pitched airhorn4283
    F4conductor's signal10331
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F8diesel manual notching up
    F9diesel manual notching down
    F12twin airhorn16379
    F13brake set / release13355
    F15open / close door12347
    F16curve squeal15371
    F17rail clank17, 18387, 395

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   E444

    E444, fast train electric-locomotive of the italian state railway (FS)

    Article number(s): 11452
    Manufacturer: Roco
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1sound on/off1259
    F4conductor's signal10331
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F8curve squeal15371
    F9rail clank16, 18379, 395
    F11open / close door12347
    F12rheostatic brake13355
    F13emergency brake19403
    F15station announcement #17307
    F16station announcement #214363
    F17station announcement #320411
    F18station announcement #421419
    F19station announcement #522427
    F20station announcement #623435

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   RENFE 333 / D333

    Diesel locomotive RENFE D333

    Article number(s): 11451
    Manufacturer: Roco
    Last change: 02.11.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1sound on/off1259
    F2airhorn long3275
    F3short airhorn 4283
    F4conductor's signal10331
    F6acceleration/brake time, shuting mode/shunting speed
    F8diesel manual notching up
    F9diesel manual notching down
    F10station announcement #17307
    F11station announcement #216379
    F14brake release13355
    F16curve squeal15371
    F17open / close door12347
    F18rail clank17, 18387, 395
    F19station announcement #320411
    F20station announcement #422427

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   S 2/6

    steam locomotive Bavarian S 2/6; express train locomotive; 4-4-4; 4 cylinders

    Article number(s): 17430
    Manufacturer: Brawa
    Last change: 06.08.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, hiss1, 10259, 331
    F3coal shoveling4283
    F4AUX1, blow out5291
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7water pump7307
    F8air pump8315

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   ET 65

    Electric Railcar ET 65

    Between 1961 and 1963, all the 23 railcars were transferred to the Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt depot and completely reworked. The most striking modification was the complete replacement of the front section and the rubber corridor connections between the carriages. Post 1968, after the modernisation, the ET 65 railcar with the road number 465 provided a reliable daily service until it was replaced by the S-Bahn suburban rail service in 1977. Initially, the modernised ET 65s had the same dark red paintwork, though advertising was added to the outside from the end of the nineteen sixties onwards. One of the companies that the ET 65 advertised from that time on was “Jägermeister”.

    Article number(s): 17438
    Manufacturer: BRAWA
    Last change: 11.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off1259
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7charging procedure6299
    F9conductor's signal12347
    F11switch up8315
    F12switch down9323
    F13short whistle signal13355

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   V100 DR

    Shortly after LKM Babelsberg had delivered the two prototypes of the new BR V 100, the government of the GDR decided to stop building locomotives here. Now only the „VEB Lokomotivbau-Elektrotechnische Werke Hans Beimler“ was responsible for supplying new traction vehicles. Following the experience with V 100 001 and 002, a third prototype was produced there, which proved itself in trial runs. Therefore the first serial engines were delivered to the DR in 1967, including V 100 007, which was put into service at the Halle P depot and was decommissioned only in 1995 in Chemnitz. It was dismantled in Gröditz in 1999.

    Article number(s): 17437
    Manufacturer: Brawa
    Last change: 11.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off1, 2259, 267
    F2airhorn #13275
    F3Fan Sound2267
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F10brake set9323
    F11airhorn #1 short4283
    F12Diesel notch up
    F13Diesel notch down
    F14safety valve11339

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   Ae 4/7

    universal locomotive of the swiss raillways )SBB)

    Article number(s): 90425, 90429
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7short whistle7307

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   RE 460 (Eulenlok)

    Swiss electric loco Re 460 (Eulenlok)

    Article number(s): 90428, 90435
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light, AUX1, AUX2
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F2airhorn mix3275
    F3conductor's signal6299
    F4airhorn (deep)5291
    F5airhorn (high)4283
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   RE 460

    Swiss electric loco Re 460

    Article number(s): 90417, 90436
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light, AUX1, AUX2
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F2airhorn mix3275
    F3conductor's signal6299
    F4airhorn (deep)5291
    F5airhorn (high)4283
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   HAG RE 4/4

    Article number(s): 90420, 90432
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F2whistle #13275
    F3whistle #24283
    F4air presser5291
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7main switch7307

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  • Download


      GTW 2/6

    Stadler GTW 2/6 Triebwagen

    Article number(s): 90419, 90431
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F3conductor's signal4283
    F4door open/close5291
    F5whistle (short)6299
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F9station announcement #17307
    F10station announcement #28315
    F11pantograph up/down9323
    F12air condition10331

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   Ae 6/6

    Swiss electric locomotive Ae 6/6 for SBB and other companies

    Article number(s): 90418, 90430
    Manufacturer: HAG
    Last change: 10.07.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light
    F1Sound on/off, Fan Sound1, 2259, 267
    F4compressed air5291
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7vacuum pump7307

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   ESU BR 151

    BR 151 For around 40 years the Class BR 151 represented the most important type for traction of fast and heavy freight trains for the State Railway of Federal Republic of Germany (DB). At the time of origin in the early 1970s the six axle loco were faster then any more powerful German loco. But it had also more traction power then any faster one. Krupp had designed the outer shape, the bogies were similar to the famous fast train loco BR 103. Traction motors WB 372-22 had been advanced types of the Einheitslok family. An extraordinary feature of BR 151 is the equipment for push-pull service with passenger trains. With its power of 8894 hp and a maximum speed of 120 km/h the loco had also been used in passenger service on relations with steep rises on schedule till the 1990s. For heavy drag service with 5400 ton coal trains some of the BR 151 is equipped with an automatic coupler. For the traction of those kind of trains the locos are used in consists. Even though the BR 151 had a hard life and many were scrapped yet, some few locos got a general inspection in 2010 to run for 8 years.

    Article number(s): 21402, 21405
    Manufacturer: ESU
    Last change: 20.06.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    F11, 17, 18, 19259, 387, 395, 403
    F318, 19395, 403
    F21Switching mode

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

  •   KkStB 178

    Derived from the small locos with eight coupled wheels and compound drive („Verbundtriebwerk“) developed by Karl Gölsdorf for the Schneeberg railway in 1898, 211 machines of the 178 series were built until 1924. All locos were equipped with the typical funnel called „Kobelschornstein“, but differed slightly in weight because of differently large storage tanks.

    Article number(s): 17851
    Manufacturer: BRAWA
    Last change: 09.05.2012

    Sound sample / Functions

    Sound sample

    Functions (LokSound)

    Key Function Soundslots Volume CVs Volume value
    LightFront light, dynamo19403
    F1Sound on/off1, 2, 24259, 267, 443
    F2medium pitched whistle3275
    F3whistle short4283
    F4AUX 1 (smoke unit)
    F6Acceleration/brake time, Shuting Mode/Shunting speed
    F7curve squeal15371
    F8coal shoveling5291
    F9blow out9323
    F10conductors signal10331
    F11coupler sound8315
    F13brake set13355
    F15pop valve (safety valve)23435
    F16rail clank17, 18387, 395
    F18volume control
    F19soundfader (tunnel mode)
    F20open cylinder cocks while driving (shift mode)

    Note: Please make sure that Index CV 32 is set to 1 and Index CV 31 is set to value 16 before you change any of the sound volume CVs. Please refer to the decoder's user manual.

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