Hier finden Sie alle Projektdateien für die aktuellen LokSound V4.0 Decoder. Diese Dateien können mit Hilfe der LokProgrammer Software V4 auf den Decoder übertragen werden. Die Auswahl wird ständig erweitert, ein häufiger Besuch lohnt sich!
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= LokSound, = LokPilot
*GE 16cyl 7FDL Modern (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
In the Mid 1980s GE changed it's 16cyl FDL design to include a different exhaust silencer, a new electric compressor often known as the "Whoop compressor" and changed some of the electronics of their locomotives. These differences among a few other led to a distinct change in the sounds from the GE 16cyl FDL often found from the U25Bs on through the Dash-7 series of the Locomotives.
GE's AC series of locomotives were introducted in 1994. They share the same carbody design and many of the internal components as the Dash-9 series, except they are equipped with AC traction motors instead of the conventional DC versions. The cab air conditioner was moved from the left (conductor's) side walkway to a position under the cab floor to make space for the six traction inverters (one per axle) that supply the AC current to the traction motors.
The "Modern" GE 7FDL 16Cyl Prime mover can be found in the following Locos:
Dash 8-39B
Dash 8 40-B
Dash 8-40BW
Dash 8-39C
Dash 8-40C
Dash 8-40CM
Dash 8-40CW
Dash 8-41CW
Dash 8-44CW
Dash 9-40C
Dash 9-40CW
Dash 9-44CW
Some AC6000CW were built with 7FDL-16cyls and were later converted to 7HDL-16cyl. Some were never converted. Please refer to the prototype for reference.
Passenger Locos including: P40DC, and P42DC were built slightly different and contained HEP. For these engines plese use Select Sound file (73482) or V4.0 Sound file (74482).
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 GE 16cyl 7FDL Modern
Uses our NEW-HORNS-AND-BELLS template...
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Nathan K3HA (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie S5T
CV48=9 Nathan M3
CV48=10 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=11 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=12 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=13 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=14 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=15 Nathan M3 (Duplicate horn due to space restrictions)
CV48=0 GE Fast Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 0
0 - GE 16cyl 7FDL Modern
5 - Nathan K3HA
0 - GE Fast Steel Bell
Total 0+5+0 = 5
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 74440
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*ALCO 12cyl 251B (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer, ALCO who closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in Marine, Generator, and locomotive uses.
The 1800 horsepower 12cyl version of the 251B could be found in the following locomotives:
44 Class
930 Class
The 2000 Horsepower 12cyl 251C version was extremely close to 251B in the way that is sounded. While we have full intentions to record this in the very near future the 251B is a very suitable substitute. The 12cyl 251C can be found in the following Locomotives:
45 Class
442 Class
600 Class
700 Class
The 12cyl 251 was also used in many rebuilt locomotives including:
and others...
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74441
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 18.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 645C (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
As the EMD 567s got worn, Many Railroads underwent rebuild programs to prolong the life of their locomotives. One Program in particular was the Uceta GP-16 program on the SCL. Starting in 1979 they took many of their GP7s, GP9s, and GP18s and replaced the existing 567 prime movers with 16cyl 645C Power Assemblies. This combination resulted in a unique sound never before released in the Model Railroad Market.
There were a number of these rebuild programs by many railroads. CN Had GP9RMs, The DM&IR had SD-Ms rebuilt from SD9's and SD18's and others. While there were different Exhuast configurations, This file will be very close to the following locomotives:
GP7U (Some- Check your prototype)
The following locos were rebuilt from 567D Turbo locos, that have been de-turboed and repowered with the 645C Power Assemblies:
**As rebuild programs tend to be unpredictable it is a good idea to check your specific prototype to be sure which prime mover was used.**
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 76408
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 18.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 567C (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 567 16cyl Prime Mover was one of the most widely used Prime Movers in the world! From F-Units to Geeps this popular power house can still be found in many locomotives riding the rails today.
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 74436
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 18.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*ALCO 16cyl 251C (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The ALCO 251 prime mover was the most popular and abundant prime mover ever made by the company. While it proved to be quite successful, it sadly outlived its original manufacturer. ALCO closed their doors in 1969. The 251 prime mover is actually still available to purchase today from Fairbanks Morse for use in marine, generator and locomotive uses.
Our recording is from a 16cyl - 251C and could be found in the following locomotives:
Other locomotives using variations of the 16cyl 251 prime mover included:
WDM-2 (Indian Railways)
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 76409
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 18.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 567D3 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The 567 prime mover is a line of medium-speed diesel engines manufactured by GM Electro-Motive Division. They were used in many EMD locomotives from 1938-1966 when it was replaced by the EMD 645. The 567 proved to be exceptionally successful in passenger, switching, freight, marine and stationary services. The 16 cylinder 567D3 variation was used in the following...
Although the following locomotives do not have a 567D3, they are in the 567D family and this sound file would be very close for the following...
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 74477
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 18.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 710G3A (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 710 is a line of diesel engines built by Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD). Introduced in 1985, the 710 series replaced the earlier EMD 645 series. Since its introduction, EMD has continually upgraded the 710G diesel engine. Power output has increased from 3,800 horsepower on 1985's 16-710G3A to 4,500 horsepower on 2012's 16-710G3C-T2. Over the production span of certain locomotive models, upgraded engine models have been fitted when these became available. For example, an early 1994-built SD70MAC had a 16-710G3B, whereas a later 2003-built SD70MAC would have a 16-710G3C-T1.
Austrailian National AN Class
Although recorderd from a GP60, this file would be a close match for the following locomotives:
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74431
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 17.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Manual Notching (Down) 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 645E (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
NSWGR 422 Class
Victorian Railways X Class
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74426
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 17.05.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Manual Notching (Down) 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
The Iconic GG-1 is known around the world as the American Electric Streamliner. Built by GE and the famous Pennsylvania Railroad Altoona Shops the GG-1s were constructed between 1934 to 1943. Operating in a multitude of paint schemes the GG-1s ran on PRR, Penn Central, Conrail, Amtrak, and NJT. Primarily they ran on the North East Corridor between New York City and Washington DC. They did occasionally see service on other electric lines around the north east United States.
Though the GG-1 was relatively quiet compared to its diesel electric cousins our ESU version includes correct GG-1 A-200 Air horns, Proper GG-1 Bells, Sounds of the pantographs going up and down, transformer sounds, traction motor fans, traction motor gear whine, random compressor, new air release and brake squeal sounds, curve squeal, and track sounds.
The ESU LokSound Select version includes 4 Horns and 2 bells all changeable by using CV48.
CV48-0 Leslie A200 (Default)
CV48-1 Leslie A-125
CV48-2 Different Leslie A-200
CV48-3 Wabco E2
CV48-0 Bell #1
CV48-64 Bell #2 (Default)
Add Values from above for total CV48 Value.
Default CV48 Value = 0
0- Prime Mover #1
0- Leslie A-200 Horn
64- Bell #1
Total 0+0+64 =64
Artikelnummer(n): 74459, 74559
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 21.05.2015
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Horn Playable 3 275 128 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Fan as function 9 323 128 F5 Aux3 output (pre-set to Mars Light) F6 Aux1+Aux2 (Ditch Light) F7 Switching Mode F8 Prime Mover Sound On/Off (Mute) 1, 2, 15 259, 267, 371 128, 128, 128 F9 Curve Squeal 19 403 128 F10 Rail Clank 11 339 128 F11 Brake Set / Release F12 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F13 Aux4 F14 Short Air Let off 14 363 128 F15 Compressor as function 7 307 45 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*FM 6cyl 38D*
One of the last to enter the US locomotive market and one of the first to leave, Fairbanks Morse is a historical manufactur known throughout the wold for their renouned oppsing piston prime movers. Maybe best know for the FM Trainmaster locomotives, Fairbanks Morse is still in business today as a Producer of Marine engines used in ships and submarines.
Not many examples remain and only a few of those are operational in the FM locomotive line. Many of the locomotives that are still running are mere six cylinder versions. FM produced 6cyl, 8cyl, 10cyl and 12cyl locomotives while producing for the railroad market.
Some examples of FM locomotives are:
Erie Builts, C-Liners(built by FM and Canadian subsidiary CLC), H-10-44, H-12-44, CLC H-12-46, H-15-44, H-16-44, H-20-44, H-16-66(Baby Trainmaster), H-24-66(Trainmaster).
Please note:
This file has a special Cold and Failed start that happen randomly. The Cold Start sequeance will happen the first time you turn this on. ONCE IN A WHILE during this cold start sequence the Prime Mover will fail to start and automatically retry. If the prime mover fails to start it is set up to start on the second try. Once started and then turned off a timer will begin. If the engine is started again before this timer expires it will then start with a warm start. If the timer has expired the engine will start the cycle over again with a cold start.
F14 will disable the cold and failed start sequence giving only the warm start option.
CV48=0 Single Chime
CV48=1 K3L
CV48=2 M5
CV48=3 P3
CV48=4 Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Single Chime*
CV48=6 RS3L
CV48=7 S3L
CV48=8 Leslie A-125
CV48=9 Leslie A-200
CV48=10 RS3K
CV48=11 Hancock Air Whistle
CV48=12 Wabco E-2
CV48=13 M3H
CV48=14 S2M
CV48=15 Leslie A-125*
*Duplicate Horn due to space restrictions
2 Bells:
CV48=0 Slow Air Bell
CV48=64 Fast Air Bell
Add Values from above for total CV48 Value.
Default CV48 Value = 5
0- Prime Mover #1
5- Single Chime Horn
0- Air Bell
Total 0+5+0 =5Artikelnummer(n): 74432
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 08.04.2015
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlight F1 Bell 4 283 70 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 100 F5 AUX3 (Set for Rotary Beacon) F6 Forward:AUX1 + AUX2 (Ditch Lights Front) Reverse: AUX4 (Ditch Lights Rear) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Manual Notching (up) F10 Manual Notching (down) F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 45 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 80 F14 Warm Start Only F15 N/A F16 Spitter on Shutdown Off F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 90 F21 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 80 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
Shay - Bachmann
Bei dieser Shay handelt es sich um einen von ESU speziell für Bachmann abgestimmten Shay Sound. Damit Sie den Decoder optimal in Ihre Shay einbauen können, haben wir eine Umbauanleitung für den Loksound V4.0 XL Decoder auf unsere Homepage bereit gestellt.
Artikelnummer(n): 74524
Hersteller: Bachmann
Letzte Änderung: 30.03.2015
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional headlights / Dynamo 6 299 4 F1 Bell 4 283 100 F2 Playable whistle 3 275 128 F3 Short whistle 16 379 128 F4 Coupler Clank 5 291 90 F5 Injector 9 323 45 F6 AUX1 Cab Light F7 Switching mode F8 Prime mover F9 Open cylinder cocks ON/OFF (Manual Control) F10 Air Pump 7 307 75 F11 Water Syphon 10 331 90 F12 Coal Shoveling 15 371 80 F13 Water Fill from tank 12 347 65 F14 Brake Set/Release (Auto) 11 339 128 F15 Blower 8 315 90 F16 Ashpan 20 411 50 F17 Safety Valve 19 403 90 F18 Oil Burner 21 419 80 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*UP Big Boy*
During the late 1930s, the Union Pacific often used helpers to move trains from Ogden to Wasatch. The UP wanted to simplify this move so they asked their "Department of Research and Mechanical Standards" (DoRMS) to design a locomotive that could pull a 3600 ton train unassisted over the 1.14% grade of the Wasatch.
The designers determined that to pull a 3600 ton train, a tractive effort of 135,000 lbs would be needed. Assuming a factor of adhesion of 4.0, the weight on drivers would have to be 4.0 * 135,000 = 540,000 lbs. Given an axle loading of 67,500 lbs each, this would require 8 drivers or an x-8-8-x wheel arrangement. The designers agreed upon the 4-8-8-4 design. Next, the horsepower and cylinder sizes were computed based on 300 psi boiler pressure. Although they weren't planning to pull these freight trains at 80 MPH, the DoRMS designed them for 80 MPH in order to have a sufficient factor of safety built into the design. What resulted is considered by many to be the most successful articulated steam locomotive ever built. 4000 was delivered to Omaha at 6PM, September 5, 1941.
The 25 Big Boys were built in two groups. The first group, called "class 1", were built starting in 1941. They were numbered 4000-4019. The second group, "class 2", were built in 1944. They were numbered 4020-4024. The last revenue freight pulled by a Big Boy was in July of 1959. Most were retired in 1961. The last one was retired in July of 1962. As late as September, 1962, there were still four operational Big Boys at Green River, WY.
Artikelnummer(n): 74416, 74516
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2014
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights / Dynamo 6 299 128 F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Playable Whistle 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Blower 8 315 128 F5 Aux3 (Firebox) F6 Aux1,2 F7 Switching Mode 6 299 128 F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 2, 24 259, 267, 443 110, 110, 110 F9 Dimmer F10 Air Pump 7 307 120 F11 Oil Burner 14 363 128 F12 Coal Shoveling 15 371 80 F13 Aux4 F14 Injector 9 323 40 F15 Crossing Communication 10 331 128 F16 Railclank 11 339 85 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 100 F19 Open Cylinder Cocks F20 Short Whistle 16 379 128 F21 Dynamo Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Baldwin 606SC_606A*
Baldwin 606SC and 606A Prime Movers were used in quite a few Baldwin prototypes.
DS-4-4-1000, RS-12, S-12, DRS-6-4-1000, DRS-4-4-1000, DR-6-2-1000, DT-6-6-2000, RT-624, DR-6-4-2000, DR-6-2-1000.
Though not quite correct the 606SC/606A Prime Mover sounds very similar to the 608SC/608A Prime movers This would be appropriate for:
DRS-6-4-1500, DRS-4-4-1500, DRS-6-6-1500, AS-416, AS-16, AS-616, DR-6-4-1500, DR-4-4-1500 and the RF-16(Sharknose).
Artikelnummer(n): 74447
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 15.10.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlight F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Warm Start F5 AUX3 output (pre-set to Mars Light) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Ditch Light) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 24 259, 443 128, 128 F9 Diesel Manual Notching (Up) F10 Diesel Manual Notching (Down) F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 40 F21 Spitter Valve Sound 15 371 128 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*SP Cab Forward*
Cab Forwards were designed to keep the crews from getting asfixiated from smoke while long tunnels. While a few other railroads considered purchasing the design, only the Southern Pacific Railroad ever bought any. Many wheel arrangements were used but most of them were of the 4-8-8-2 design.
Many Cab Forwards also contained a Seperate Air Horn. This Sound Profile also contains the ability to play this horn sound using Function 12. (remappable if desired)
AC-6 through AC-12 Cab Forwards Used a Saturated airpump mounted on the front of the boiler. These had a very distinct sound which we have gone through great lengths to duplicate.
As with all LokSound Select Steam Files there are 16 available whistles, which can be changed using CV 48Artikelnummer(n): 74409
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 09.10.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights / Dynamo 6 299 128 F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Playable Whistle 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Blower 8 315 128 F5 Aux3 (Firebox) F6 Aux1,2 F7 Switching Mode 6 299 128 F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 2, 24 259, 267, 443 110, 110, 110 F9 Dimmer F10 Air Pump 7 307 120 F11 Oil Burner 14 363 128 F12 Blower 15 371 80 F13 Aux4 F14 Injector 9 323 40 F15 Crossing Communication 10 331 128 F16 Railclank 11 339 85 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 100 F19 Open Cylinder Cocks F20 Short Whistle 16 379 128 F21 Dynamo Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Baldwin 606NA*
Baldwin 606 and 606NA Prime Movers were used in the following prototype locomotives:
S-8, DRS-4-4-660, DRS-4-4-750, DRS-6-4-660.
Artikelnummer(n): 74446
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 08.10.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlight F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Warm Start F5 AUX3 output (pre-set to Mars Light) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Ditch Light) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Diesel Manual Notching (Up) F10 Diesel Manual Notching (Down) F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 40 F21 Spitter Valve Sound 15 371 128 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
The EMD F40PH is equipped with a turbocharged EMD 645E3 V16 cylinder, two-stroke Prime mover. A standard F40PH has a gear ratio of 57:20 allowing a top speed of 103 mph (166 km/h). To support passenger service, the F40PH has another electrical alternator known as the head end power unit.(HEP) The HEP unit generates three-phase AC power at 480 V AC, 750 A or about 500 kW to provide power to the passenger cars for lighting, heating, and air conditioning. Originally F40PHs all powered the HEP alternator from the 16-645E3 prime mover; head end power must be delivered to the train at a constant frequency, so the prime mover had to turn at a constant 900 RPM while supplying head end power (even if the locomotive was standing still with the throttle in Idle). Power to the traction motors was controlled by varying the field excitation of the main (traction) generator. If the HEP was turned on the F40PH ran in Notch 8 all the time. Sitting still or moving at full speed. If the HEP was turned off (while switching perhaps) The prime mover went through the notches like normal. Idle through 8.
Our new F40PH sound is that of an as built F40PH with a shaft driven HEP which can be turned on and off accordingly. It also has Stand-by mode which is used in stations to drop the PM enough that the HEP is still able to be used, yet Fuel savings and noise is more control while not moving. One thing to note is that if 2 F40Ph's were on a train only the engine closest to the cars should have the HEP running.
Many of the F40PH's were rebuilt over the years. If by chance you are modeling a Rebuilt F40PH which may have a Caterpillar HEP unit you should not use this file, but rather the F40PH rebuilt/MP36PH-3C file as it will have the proper sounds and sound schedule for that engine.
Artikelnummer(n): 74430
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 08.10.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 45 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 128 F5 HEP Mode 8, 14 315, 363 64, 128 F6 Aux1 (Ditch Light) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 12 259, 347 99, 40 F9 Dimmer (Headlights) F10 Diesel Fahrstufe ab F11 Fan 8 315 64 F12 Diesel Manual Notching F13 Stand-By Mode 18 395 128 F14 Aux3 output (pre-set to Double Strobe) F15 Crossing Communication 10 331 128 F16 Railclank 11 339 64 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Pop Valve Sound 7 307 40 F21 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
GE P42
The GE "Genesis" series of Locomotives was developed to be the main locomotives for Amtrak. Amtraks EMD F40PH locomotives were aging fast and GE came to the rescue with a more powerful and more fuel efficient design. Some P42 Locomotives were built with a Dual Mode capability utilizing a 3rd Rail shoe for collecting electricity. These engines run on the North East Corridor on Amtrak and on Metro North. The ESU version is the DC model which is much more common. It can be used to represent the P42s used by Amtrak, Via, NJT and Conn DOT. It can also be used in the non-electrified Areas of Metro North.
The P42 has a Very Specific Sound set. No Generic GE sound is correct for it. We have gone out of our way to make sure the sound we provide is as accurate as possible. We’ve even had the opportunity to take a cab in a P42 and take note of exactly how the engine was operated so that we could produce a sound that is absolutely true to the prototype.
Some the P42 Specific Features include the following:
-Automatic E-Bell and Flashing Ditch Lights with the Horn
-Awesome LOUD K5LA Amtrak P42 Horn
-Low Idle sounds (when HEP is off)
-P42 Dynamic Brake sounds
-Accurate HEP Sounds with the Prime Mover running about 900 RPM
-Change in sound when HEP is active an heavy load is applied
-Stand By Mode when HEP is active and sitting still (on a function button)
-Auto Crossing Sequence loop with E-Bell and Flashing Ditch Lights (Real P42's have a button on the floor to activate this!)
-Air Dryer sound
-Outstanding "Whoop" Air compressor sounds
-Function outputs AUX 1 and AUX 2 set up for Reversing Red Lights on nose and tail with ability to be turned off separate from the Headlights for prototypical running.
-Function outputs AUX 3 and AUX 4 are set up for Flashing Ditch LightsArtikelnummer(n): 74482, 74582, 74882
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 13.06.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights Including Red Lights F1 Bell 4 283 75 F2 Playable Airhorn 3, 9 275, 323 128, 75 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 80 F5 HEP Mode 14 363 128 F6 Aux3+Aux4 (Ditch Light) F7 Grade Crossing Horn Sequence 9, 11 323, 339 75, 128 F8 Prime Mover Sound On / Off (Mute) 1, 12 259, 347 128, 40 F9 Manual Notching (Up) F10 Manual Notching (Down) F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 100 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) Turns off Ditch Lights F13 Stand-By Mode 18 395 128 F14 Aux1 power off (Front Redlights) F15 Aux2 power off (Rear Redlights) F16 Air Dryer 10 331 128 F17 Brake Set / Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 100 F21 Pop Valve Sound 15 371 128 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
GE Evolution 12cyl "Gevo" Locomotives have a 4 stoke diesel engine and have been designed to be more efficient and more emission friendly than previous models. Evolution Series locomotives are equipped with either AC or DC traction motors, depending on the customer's preference, though admittedly there is little sound difference if any between the two.
All Gevos have been delivered with the Nathan-Airchime K5HL air horn. Most if not all have been delivered with a Graham-White 373 E-Bells. This E-Bell is tied to the Horn Circuit in the locomotive and will play automatically when the horn is played. The ESU version also has this new feature. The Bell can be activated by either pressing F1 or by pressing the Horn using F2. The "Auto-Bell" can be turned off by silencing the Auto-Bell sound slot. (CV32-1 then CV323 to a value of 0) Due to the fact that all Gevos have been delivered with the same horn, This V4.0 sound only inlcudes the Nathan K5HLL Horn. If you would like to use other horns you will need to change the horns with the Template Pack.
Another feature of the prototype is "Smart Start" for the sake of both emissions and fuel savings All Gevos have been built with an auto shutdown/Auto Start feature. After the loco has been idle for a period time, the engine will shut down on its own. If the prime mover cools to a certain temperature the loco will automatically start again to keep from freezing. Our ESU version is also equipped with this "Smart Start" feature.
The Smart Start feature will be available for the V4.0 File as a Template Pack upgrade. The 74423 file comes without this feature installed, but using our LokProgrammer it can easily be changed. If enabled after idling for the User Selectable Time the engine will shut down and without doing anything to the throttle it will start again on its own. If at any time during this shutdown mode you would like to run your loco, just turn the throttle slightly and the engine will go through it's start up cycle and then allow you to move it.
Artikelnummer(n): 74423
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 21.05.2013
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3, 9 275, 323 80, 50 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Set for Numberboards) F6 Forward:AUX1 + AUX2 (Ditch Lights Front-Flashing) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Diesel Manual Notching (Up) F10 Diesel Manual Notching (Down) F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 128 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 Reverse:Aux4(Rear Ditchlights) non Flashing F14 Air Dryer 10 331 128 F15 Blank F16 Blank F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Modern GE Air Compressor 7 307 128 F21 Spitter Valve 15 371 128 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
ALCO251 Air Start
The Alco 251 diesel engine was developed by the American Locomotive Company to replace the 244 and 539. The 251 Prime mover was Alco’s best selling prime mover. In 1954, the 251 went into production with the inline-6 at Auburn, New York. Ultimately a refined and successful design, the 251 outlived its designer. For a time it was built in Canada by Montreal Locomotive Works. Today it is still available from Fairbanks-Morse. Examples of the 16-Cyl 251 can be found in the following locomotives:
Air Start Examples: C430, C630, C636,C630M, and Some M630s and M636's
Electric Start Examples: RS-27, RSD-15, RSD-17, C424, M424W, C425, C628, C855, C855B, M630, C636, M636, LRC-2, LRC-3 and HR616.
This LokSound file contains two versions of the prime mover:
Prime mover #1 (CV48=0) features a "Alco 16-251 with Air Start"
Prime mover #2 (CV48=16) features a "Alco 16-251 with Normal Start"
Artikelnummer(n): 74427
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 16.05.2013
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 99 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler Clank 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 70 F5 AUX3 output (pre-set to Mars Light) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Ditch Light) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 9 259, 323 128, 8 F9 Diesel Manual Notching (Up) F10 Diesel Manual Notching (Down) F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 128 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 Short Airhorn 16 379 128 F14 Detector 17 387 128 F15 Crossing Communication 10 331 128 F16 Rail Clank (works only if F8 is On) 11 339 128 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release 12 347 128 F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 77 F21 Pop Valve Sound 15 371 128 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
The Shay locomotive was the most widely used geared steam locomotive. The locomotives were built to the patents of Ephraim Shay, who has been credited with the popularization of the concept of a geared steam locomotive.
Shay locomotives had regular fire-tube boilers offset to the left to provide space for, and counterbalance the weight of, a two or three cylinder "motor," mounted vertically on the right with longitudinal drive shafts extending fore and aft from the crankshaft at wheel axle height. These shafts had universal joints and square sliding prismatic joints to accommodate the swiveling trucks. Each axle was driven by a separate bevel gear, with no side rods.
The strength of these engines is that all wheels, including, in some engines, those under the tender, are driven so that all the weight develops tractive effort. A high ratio of piston strokes to wheel revolutions allowed them to run at partial slip, where a conventional rod engine would spin its drive wheels and burn rails, losing all traction.
Shay locomotives were often known as sidewinders or stemwinders for their side-mounted drive shafts. Most were built for use in the United States, but many were exported, to about thirty countries, either by Lima, or after they had reached the end of their usefulness in the US.
This ESU LokSound V4.0 File has 5 Whistles, which can be changed by setting CV48 to a value between 0 and 4.Artikelnummer(n): 74415
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 10.04.2013
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional headlights / Dynamo 6 299 50 F1 Bell 4 283 70 F2 Playable whistle 3 275 128 F3 Short whistle 16 379 128 F4 Coupler Clank 5 291 90 F5 Injector 9 323 45 F6 AUX1 [1], Firebox F7 Switching mode F8 Prime mover F9 Open cylinder cocks ON/OFF (Manual Control) F10 Air Pump 7 307 100 F11 Water Syphon 10 331 128 F12 Coal Shoveling 15 371 80 F13 Water Fill from tank 12 347 40 F14 Brake Set/Release (Auto) 11 339 128 F15 Blower 8 315 128 F16 Ashpan 20 411 50 F17 Safety Valve 19 403 90 F18 Oil Burner 13 355 80 Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.