Hier finden Sie alle Projektdateien für die aktuellen LokSound V4.0 Decoder. Diese Dateien können mit Hilfe der LokProgrammer Software V4 auf den Decoder übertragen werden. Die Auswahl wird ständig erweitert, ein häufiger Besuch lohnt sich!
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= LokSound,
= LokPilot
*EMD 12cyl 645E3 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD GP39-2 is a 4-axle diesel locomotive built by General Motors Electro-Motive Division between 1974 and 1984. 239 examples of this locomotive were built for American railroads. Part of the EMD Dash 2 line, the GP39-2 was an upgraded GP39. The power for this locomotive was provided by a turbocharged 12-cylinder EMD 645E3 diesel engine, which could produce 2,300 horsepower.
While this sound was recorded from an EMD GP39-2 the 12Cyl 645E3 Prime mover is also accurate for GP39, GP39-2, SD39, SDL39, CIE 071, EMD GT22, British Rail Class 57, V/Line N class, New Zealand DFT class, JT22CW, V/Line A class. This would also be VERY close to a GP49.
As with all Select decoders there are also 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals, and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
NSWGR 422 Class
Victorian Railways X Class
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 12cyl 645E3
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=7 Leslie RS5T
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Nathan M3
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Nathan K5H
CV48=12 Leslie S2M
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S3E
CV48=15 Leslie S5TRF
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 71
0 - EMD 12cyl 645E3
7 - Leslie RS5T
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+7+64 = 71
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74439
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 22.07.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Manual Notching (Down) 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Dual GE 16cyl FDL (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The GE FDL-16 prime mover was first used in 1959 in the General Electric U25B locomotive. Over the years little changed in terms of sound until the "Dash-8" series of GE locomotives was introduced. Known for their throaty chug and shaft driven compressor (rather than the more modern “Whoop” electric compressor).
Essentially 2 U25Bs built on a single frame, the U50 was designed to replace the turbines on UP. Using scrapped Turbine frames 2 FDL 16 Prime movers were put together creating a 5000 horsepower locomotive nicked named "Baby Hueys"
Union Pacific - 15
Southern Pacific - 3
As with all Select decoders there are also 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals, and 2 bells include on this one sound profile!
All changeable using CV48
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 Dual GE 16cyl FDL
Uses our OLD-HORNS-AND-BELLS template...
CV48=0 Nathan Single Chime
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Leslie S5TRF
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie RS3L
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Leslie A200
CV48=10 Leslie Dual A125-A200
CV48=11 Leslie S5TRF (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=12 Leslie S5TRF (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=13 Leslie S5TRF (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=14 Leslie S5TRF (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=15 Leslie S5TRF (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=0 GE Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 10
0 - PRIME MOVER - Dual GE 16cyl FDL
10 - HORN - Leslie Dual A125-A200
0 - BELL - GE Bell
Total 0+10+0 = 6
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74421
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 22.07.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 23 259, 435 128, 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 20cyl 645E3 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
While only a few operating examples exist today, the 20cyl 645E3 was often found in the following locomotives:
and others
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 76407
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 22.07.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Manual Notching (Down) 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 645E V2 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
V2 = Second version of the popular EMD 16cyl 645 non turbo Prime Mover.
Combine with 73426/74426 for some great variety of prime movers on your layout!
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
NSWGR 422 Class
Victorian Railways X Class
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 16cyl 645E
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=7 Leslie RS5T
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Nathan M3
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Nathan K5H
CV48=12 Leslie S2M
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S3E
CV48=15 Leslie S5TRF
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 71
0 - EMD 16cyl 645E
7 - Leslie RS5T
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+7+64 = 71
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 76412
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 22.07.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Manual Notching (Down) 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Dual EMD 16cyl 645E3A (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The Dual EMD 16cyl 645E3A prime movers were used in Union Pacific's DDA40X locomotive. Each of the two prime mover provides 3,300 hp. The DDA40X is the most powerful single-unit locomotive ever built.
As the DDA40X program was a test, a number of experiments were conducted during the service life of these locomotives. One such test included fitting a few of the units with air raid sirens to warn track-side personnel when away from grade crossings, but the results were inconclusive. Another of the tests included successful modular electrical components. This made for easier diagnosis of electrical problems. These modifications were used in all future locomotive units built by EMD. All DDA40X units included a new load test circuit, allowing units to load test without a track-side load test box. Gearing was 59:18, allowing 80 mph on passenger trains.
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 Dual EMD 16cyl 645E3A
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Leslie S3L - Default
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Nathan K3HA (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=7 Leslie S5T
CV48=8 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=9 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=10 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=11 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=12 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=13 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=14 Leslie S5T (Duplicate horn due to space restriction)
CV48=15 Air Raid Siren
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 71
0 - Dual EMD 16cyl 645E3A
2 - Leslie S3L
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+0+66 = 66
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74493
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 22.07.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 23 259, 435 128, 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 Air Raid Siren 9 323 8 F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 645E3 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The emd 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. When the 645 prime mover entered production in 1965, a large series of new locomotive models was introduced. The turbocharged version was used in EMD's 40 Series (GP40, SD40 and SD45) in 3,000 horsepower (2,200 kW), sixteen-cylinder form and in 3,600 horsepower (2,700 kW), twenty-cylinder form. EMD also introduced the Roots-blown 38 Series (GP38, SD38) and turbocharged, twelve-cylinder 39 Series (GP39, SD39). All of these locomotive models extensively share common components and subsystems, thereby significantly reducing cost and increasing interchangeability. The GP38-2 and SD40-2 became the most popular models of the series and among the most popular locomotive models ever built.
This 16cyl 645E3 with Turbo sound file would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
Export locomotives:
Please note:
This file contains a "Class Light" feature which allows for Cycling Aux3, Aux4, and Aux5 when using a 21MTC decoder. Assign the "Class Light" "Sound" to the function button of your choice and and be sure each Aux listed above is set to "Dimmable Headlight".
Please Note:
File Contains a Modern E-Bell, and MILW E-Bell and a Gong Bell which can be selected in Function Mapping. Simply choose the appropriate Sound Slot for F1.
Sound Slot 4 is the default bell (changable with CV48)
Sound Slot 9 is the Modern E-Bell
Sound Slot 22 is the MILW E-Bell
Sound Slot 23 is the Gong Bell
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 74408
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 20.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Dual ALCO 6cyl 539T (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The ALCO 6cyl 539T engine was developed in response to the perceived drawback that ALCO's line of diesel switchers had a restricted field of vision because of the high hood. Both Baldwin and EMD were offering diesel switchers with a lower engine hood that the trainmen could see over.
The 539T was equipped with the Buchi turbocharger, being made under license by the Elliott Manufacturing Company of Jeannette, Pennsylvania.
This file is for locomotives that use 2 - 539T Prime Movers such as the locomotives below.
As with all SELECT sound files, this file contains up to 16 different horns, 2 bells and 2 brake squeals.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 Dual ALCO 6cyl 539T
Uses our OLD-HORNS-AND-BELLS template...
CV48=0 Nathan Single Chime
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie RS3L
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Leslie A200
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Hancock Air Whistle
CV48=12 Wabco E2
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S2M
CV48=15 Leslie Dual A125-A200
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 ALCO Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 72
0 - PRIME MOVER - Dual ALCO 6cyl 539T
8 - HORN - Leslie A125
64 - BELL - ALCO Bronze Bell
Total 0+8+64 = 72
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74498
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 17.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 23 259, 435 100, 100 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*Dual EMD 12cyl 567C (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
First made in the late 1930's the EMD 12cyl 567 Prime Movers were the power houses in many of EMD's Switchers. At the same time EMD found they could put 2 of these Prime movers together in one carbody to create a more powerful locomotive. Often geared for passenger service the E Units were created.
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74483
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 17.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1, 23 259, 435 128, 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*ALCO 6cyl 539T (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The ALCO 539 engine was developed in response to the perceived drawback that ALCO's line of diesel switchers had a restricted field of vision because of the high hood. Both Baldwin and EMC were offering diesel switchers with a lower engine hood that the trainmen could see over.
The 539T was equipped with the Buchi turbocharger, being made under license by the Elliott Manufacturing Company of Jeannette, Pennsylvania. The first 539T engines were used in S-2 switchers and DL-105 passenger locomotives built in September 1940.
ALCO Locomotives:
MLW Locomotives:
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74411
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 17.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 567BC (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The 567 prime mover is a line of medium-speed diesel engines manufactured by GM Electro-Motive Division. They were used in many EMD locomotives from 1938-1966 when it was replaced by the EMD 645. The 567 proved to be exceptionally successful in passenger, switching, freight, marine and stationary services. The 16 cylinder 567C variation was used in the following...
E9 (dual prime movers)
FL9 (early)
various switchers
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 16cyl 567C with Automatic Transistion
CV48=16 EMD 16cyl 567C with Manual Transistion
Uses our OLD-HORNS-AND-BELLS template...
CV48=0 Nathan Single Chime
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie RS3L
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Leslie A200
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Hancock Air Whistle
CV48=12 Wabco E2
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S2M
CV48=15 Leslie Dual A125-A200
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 64
0 - EMD 16cyl 567C
0 - Nathan Single Chime
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+0+64 = 64
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 76411
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown 18 395 50 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*GE 12cyl 7FDL Early (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
First introduced in the late 50's, the GE FDL is one of the most popular locomotive prime movers ever produced. Aside from a very few HDL prime movers installed in the AC6000CW's, FDL prime movers were still being put in every new GE locomotive until 2003 when the first Evolution Series was implemented.
Our GE 12cyl 7FDL Early Prime mover would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
Some newer GE 12cyl 7FDL equipped locomotive had a SLIGHTLY different sound due to a larger exhaust and other hardware. While we will be releasing that sound file shortly (#73438 GE 12cyl 7FDL Modern), this file will be a VERY close substitute until then. Those locomotives would include:
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 GE 12cyl 7FDL Early
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=7 Leslie RS5T
CV48=8 A125
CV48=9 Nathan M3
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Nathan K5H
CV48=12 Leslie S2M
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S3E
CV48=15 Leslie S5TRF
CV48=0 GE Steel Bell
CV48=64 GE Steel Bell #2
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 1
0 - GE 12cyl 7FDL Early
9 - Nathan M3
0 - GE Steel Bell
Total 0+1+0 = 1
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 76405
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*BaldwinVO-1000 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
Please note: Some VO-1000's had a Steam Engine type bell. We have included 2 different Bells for this. Some were rope pull, CV 48 Bell Value 64. And Some were Air Operated. For the Air Operated Steam Loco Bell please set the following CVs:
CV31 = 16, CV32 = 2
CV302 = 0
CV304 = 32
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74481
Hersteller: ESU
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX1/AUX2 (Rotary Beacon) F6 N/A F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 N/A F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown 18 395 50 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 16cyl 645E3 V2 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The emd 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. When the 645 prime mover entered production in 1965, a large series of new locomotive models was introduced. The turbocharged version was used in EMD's 40 Series (GP40, SD40 and SD45) in 3,000 horsepower (2,200 kW), sixteen-cylinder form and in 3,600 horsepower (2,700 kW), twenty-cylinder form. EMD also introduced the Roots-blown 38 Series (GP38, SD38) and turbocharged, twelve-cylinder 39 Series (GP39, SD39). All of these locomotive models extensively share common components and subsystems, thereby significantly reducing cost and increasing interchangeability. The GP38-2 and SD40-2 became the most popular models of the series and among the most popular locomotive models ever built.
This sound file would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
Export locomotives:
Please note:
This file contains a "Class Light" feature which allows for Cycling Aux3, Aux4, and Aux5 when using a 21MTC decoder. Assign the "Class Light" "Sound" to the function button of your choice and and be sure each Aux listed above is set to "Dimmable Headlight".
File also contains a "low Idle" Mode on F4 when Standing Still.
Pressing F4 while not moving will lower the prime mover and lock the motor. F4 must be turned off to go to "regular idle" and begin moving.
Once moving, F4 becomes the Dynamic Brake.
Please Note:
File Contains a Modern E-Bell, and MILW E-Bell and a Gong Bell which can be selected in Function Mapping. Simply choose the appropriate Sound Slot for F1.
Sound Slot 4 is the default bell (changable with CV48)
Sound Slot 9 is the Modern E-Bell
Sound Slot 22 is the MILW E-Bell
Sound Slot 23 is the Gong Bell
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 76410
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 6cyl 567A (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 567 family of Prime Mover was one of the most widely used in the world! From F-Units to Geeps this popular power house can still be found in many locomotives riding the rails today. Our EMD 6cyl version of the 567A would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
Although the following locomotives used a slightly different variation of the EMD 6cyl 567, our sound file would be acceptable in the following as well:
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 6cyl 567A
Uses our OLD-HORNS-AND-BELLS template...
CV48=0 Nathan Single Chime
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie RS3L
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Leslie A200
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Hancock Air Whistle
CV48=12 Wabco E2
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S2M
CV48=15 Leslie Dual A125-A200
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 64
0 - EMD 6cyl 567A
0 - Nathan Single Chime
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+0+64 = 64
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 76406
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown 18 395 50 F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*GE 8cyl 7FDL (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The GE U18B was introduced by GE as a branch line roadswitcher in 1973. Easy to spot due to its relatively short length — 54 ft 8 in (16.66 m) — it was the only North American locomotive powered by the 8-cylinder FDL engine.
There were some export locomotives built with this prime mover:
SG10B, U15C, U17C, U20C, and the C18-7i
The U18B was not well recieved as only 5 railroads bought the locomotive, with one railroad only purchasing 1 unit, for total of 163 units produced. The Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (SCL) bought 105 U18Bs, far more than the second-best U.S. customer, the Maine Central Railroad (MEC), which ordered 10. Most of the SCL and MEC U18Bs rode on refurbished Blomberg trucks, recycled from old EMD locomotives, making the U18B even more visually distinct from other GE locomotives.
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74476
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 12cyl 567C (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 567 family of Prime Mover was one of the most widely used in the world! From F-Units to Geeps this popular power house can still be found in many locomotives riding the rails today. Our EMD 12cyl version of the 567C would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
LWT12 (Aerotrain)
Although the following locomotives used a slightly different variation of the EMD 12cyl 567, our sound file would be acceptable in the following as well:
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74460
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*GE 16cyl FDL Early (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The GE FDL-16 prime mover was first used in 1959 in the General Electric U25B locomotive. Over the years little changed in terms of sound until the "Dash-8" series of GE locomotives was introduced. Known for their throaty chug and shaft driven compressor (rather than the more modern “Whoop” electric compressor) , the following GE locomotives used the early 16cyl FDL prime mover:
Dash-8 locomotives and newer through the AC4400CWs use the MODERN 16cyl 7FDL prime mover. For the modern sound use ESU sound file 73440 (Select) or 74440 (V4.0).
U50Bs used 2 Early GE 16cyl FDL prime movers. For this sound use ESU sound file 73421 (Select) or 74421 (V4.0).
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74445
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*EMD 12cyl 645E (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The EMD 645 family of diesel engines were designed and manufactured by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors. The 645 series was an evolution of the earlier 567 series and a precursor to the later 710 series. The 645 series engines entered production in 1965. All 645 engines utilize forced induction, with either a Roots blower or a turbocharger. The 645 series has a maximum engine speed of between 900 and 950 revolutions per minute (rpm), an increase over the 800 to 900 rpm maximum speed for the 567 series.
Our 12cyl 645E variation is appropriate for the following locomotives:
As with all SELECT decoders there are up to 16 separate horns, 2 separate brake squeals and 2 bells included on this one sound profile! All changeable using CV48.
Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 12cyl 645E
CV48=0 Nathan K5LA
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=7 Leslie RS5T
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Nathan M3
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Nathan K5H
CV48=12 Leslie S2M
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S3E
CV48=15 Leslie S5TRF
CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell
Add values from above for total CV48 value.
Default CV48 Value = 71
0 - EMD 12cyl 645E
7 - Nathan K3L
64 - Bronze Bell
Total 0+7+64 = 71
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74443
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*GE 12cyl 7FDL Dash-7 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The GE B23-7 diesel locomotive was first offered in late 1977. Featuring a smaller 12 cylinder version of the FDL engine, it is the successor to GE's U23B produced from early 1968 to mid 1977, but at 62 ' 2" long, the B23-7 is exactly 2' 0" longer than the firms U23B. The B23-7 competed with the very successful EMD GP38-2. General Electric also produced a variant, the BQ23-7, for the Seaboard Coast Line. A total of 537 B23-7's were built for 9 U.S. customers and 2 Mexican customers.
This sound file is appropriate for the following locomotives:
Unlike our 76405 Early 12cyl 7FDL which is correct for The "U-Series" locomotives, this 12cyl 7FDL is more appropriate for the "Dash-7 Series" of GE locomotives. We will also release a "Dash-8 Series" in the near future.
While this prime mover is not completely accurate for the following locomotives it would also be an suitable alternative to break up the monotony on your railroad.
Dash 8-32B (B32-8)
Dash 8-32C (C32-8)
While the following are HEP equipped you could also use this for:
Dash 8-32BHW
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
Artikelnummer(n): 74438
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.
*ALCO 12cyl 244 (FT)*
Equipped with ESU "FULL THROTTLE" features!
MUST use LokProgrammer Version 4.4.21 or newer
The American Locomotive Company's model 244 prime mover was developed during the mid-1940s to power its post-war diesel locomotives. Interestingly, while Alco helped pioneer diesel technology dating back to the 1920s it had difficulty truly competing against Electro-Motive-Division due to reliability issues with its diesel engines. Before Alco began implementing the 244 in its locomotives the builder had spent most of the 1930s developing an earlier model that was used in most of its early switchers. The new prime mover was supposed to usher in a new era for Alco but instead saw it slip further behind EMD in the marketplace. During the early 1950s the manufacturer replaced the engine with the more reliable 251 that powered its Century series. It would prove to be the company's last engine as it exited the market before 1970.
This sound file would be appropriate for the following locomotives:
Although there are slight differences, this sound file could also be used in the following locomotives:
New FULL THROTTLE features:
Drive Hold: Sound Slot 2 Mapped to F9
Independent Brake: Sound Slot 11 Mapped to F10
Run 8: Sound Slot 20 (not Mapped)
Coast: Sound Slot 21 (not Mapped)
For more info please see the "Full Throttle" Quick Start Guide in the ESU Instruction Manual Section of our Website.
http://www.esu.eu/en/downloads/instruction-manuals/digital-decoders/Artikelnummer(n): 74401
Hersteller: ESU electronic solutions ulm
Letzte Änderung: 10.06.2016
Klangbeispiel / Funktionstabelle
Funktionen (LokSound)
Taste Funktion Soundslots Lautstärke CVs Lautstärke Wert Licht Directional Headlights F1 Bell 4 283 50 F2 Playable Airhorn 3 275 128 F3 Coupler 5 291 128 F4 Dynamic Brake 6 299 90 F5 AUX3 (Rotary Beacon) F6 AUX1 + AUX2 (Front Ditchlights) F7 Switching Mode F8 Sound (On/Off) 1 259 128 F9 Drive Hold 2 267 128 F10 Independent Brake 11 339 20 F11 Radiator (Fan) Sound 8 315 50 F12 Dimmer (Headlights) F13 AUX4 (Rear Ditchlights) F14 N/A F15 Fast Spitter Valve 15 371 50 F16 Spitters on Shutdown F17 Brake Set / Brake Release F18 Sanding Valve 13 355 128 F19 Short Air Let Off 14 363 128 F20 Compressor 7 307 50 F21 Slow Spitter Valve 17 387 50 F22 N/A F23 N/A F24 N/A F25 N/A F26 N/A F27 N/A F28 N/A Hinweis: Stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Index CV 32 auf Wert 1 und Index CV 31 auf den Wert 16 gesetzt wird, bevor eine der Lautstärke CVs verändert wird! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Decoder-Handbuch.