Digital decoders - Instruction manuals

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LokPilot 5 Basic

SwitchPilot 3 Servo

SwitchPilot 3 Plus

SwitchPilot 3


ABC braking section adapter

Signal adapter for SwitchPilot

LokSound Select

LokPilot Nano

LokSound L V4.0 & LokSound Select L

LokSound V4.0

LokPilot V4.0

  • Instruction manual for LokPilot V4.0 family

    Language: , Date: 03.04.13, Version: 6th Edition

    Substantial instruction manual for the following decoders:
    LokPilot V4.0
    LokPilot V4.0 DCC
    LokPilot micro V4.0
    LokPilot micro V4.0 DCC
    LokPilot V4.0 M4
    LokPilot XL V4.0
    LokPilot Fx V4.0

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LokPilot Standard

LokPilot Basic V1.0

  • Users manual for LokPilot Basic V1.0

    Language: , Date: 01.08.07, Version: 2. Edition

    Users manual for LokPilot Basic V1.0 Decoder suitable for the following decoders: 52690 LokPilot Basic DCC+DC, 88mm wire harness with 8-pin plug (NEM652)
    52692 LokPilot Basic DCC+DC, 21MTC interface

    Additional informationen

SwitchPilot V1.0

  • User manual for SwitchPilot 51800, SwitchPilot Servo 51802, SwitchPilot Extension 51801.

    Language: , Date: 20.05.08, Version: 3. Edition

    User manual for: 51800 SwitchPilot
    51802 SwitchPilot Servo
    51801 SwitchPilot Extension Third, corrected and extended edition.

    Additional informationen

SwitchPilot V2.0

SwitchPilot Servo V2.0

All available manuals were created as Adobe Acrobat Format (PDF) files, therefore your need the Acrobat Reader to read the documents.