
LokProgrammer Software 5.2.3 published


From now, the new LokProgrammer Software 5.2.3. is available for download.

The new LokProgrammer Software 5.2.3. contains firmware 5.7.151 for all LokSound 5 and LokPilot 5 decoders. This firmware adds two new Bits to CV 122: CV122.5 and CV122.6. Using CV122.5, you can tell the decoder to ignore the acceleration / deceleration values for sound control under analog operation. This results in more smooth DC (or AC) operation, as certain analog powerpacks have been showing big fluctuations under load. CV122.6 allows for a high frequency motor control under DC (or AC) analog operation, which results in much smoother operation for coreless and high-quality CAN motors.

In addition, support for new LokSound 5 micro DCC Direct Atlas S2 and LokPilot 5 Nano DCC as well as for BLS BT9 Pilot car decoders has been added.